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    Copywriting - Compelling Slogan; Collaborating Visuals; Delivering Action
    You see the slogans and taglines everywhere: print and TV advert, social media platform and classifieds, bus panels, lift entrances and even gantry barriers!

    These banners and straps are designed by copy writers who have the uncanny skills of writing and visualising - a deadly combination to attract viewers and readers in those fleeting minutes or even seconds.

    Copywriting is the final presentation to all the hard work in researching, conceptualising and packaging of a marketing idea; that selling point that shouts out "READ ME!". Competing with other product placements that are crying out for the same attention, how do you ensure that yours win the shouting match?

    Let DR SUNNY GOH, who has thrilled and skilled thousands of copywriters with his creative writing imagination, inspire you with a catchier way to painless slogan and tagline writing. And even if you are keen just to improve your creative writing, you will find this smash-and-grab workshop beneficial. Sunny is a hands-on practitioner in the areas of mass/media and visual communication. He is popular among his trainees for sharing practical and workable solutions that are based on sound psychology and creativity. As a former desk editor at Straits Times, he was responsible for churning out a blurb every single evening to encourage the public to buy and read the newspaper the next morning.
    Plenty of good and bad copy will be used during the workshop for illustration and practice. Copywriting techniques to ensure potential customers press the Call to Action button will be demonstrated throughout the course. There is never a dull moment when Sunny is in his element.
    At the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with:
    • skills to write an effective marketing copy
    • awareness of copywriting pitfalls to avoid
    • time-tested framework to create compelling copy
    Three Cs
    • Communication: skills for effective communication
    • Customers: the psychology of selling
    • Copy: compelling stuff worth reading

    ‘AIDA’ Copywriting Principles
    • Attention: copy that attracts readers
    • Interest: copy that arouses interest in the product or service
    • Desire: copy that stimulates desire to participate
    • Action: copy that prompts action from readers

    Writing Headlines
    • KISS Content: Keep It Sharp and Sweet
    • KISS Language: Keep it Short and Simple

    Writing Body
    • "You" not "We"
    • Write As You Speak
    • Minimum Fact, Maximum Feel

    Writing Conclusion
    • Call to Action: Benefit and Interest
    • Catch an Impression: Impression and image
    • Clear any Doubt: Misimpression and Mistrust
    Who should attend
    Any media practitioner or email broadcaster who need to capture attention on a large scale in the shortest time will need this course. Even those who simply enjoy creative writing or to dabble into copywriting first-hand are welcome.
    "Copy writing looks easy but is extremely hard to execute. Yet Sunny makes it looks effortless - combing slogan and illustration to make it poster-perfect." SIM (Mar 2016)

    "Sunny is one of the most dedicated and passionate lecturers I have come across. He is clear in his delivery and explanation, and weaves in real life examples of the concepts he teaches." IPOS (Jan 2018)

    "His depth of knowledge in this area has facilitated it to be smooth running and paced suitably for learning. He has also included examples for the ease of our learning and applicability of the concepts." LTA (Apr 2018)

    "I always thought copywriting was for the professionals. Actually, all good writers should have this skill set - combining infographics with copy with idea. Sunny is a fantastic copy coach." RMIT (Oct 2017)
    Profile of Dr. Sunny Goh
    Dr Sunny Goh is a Trainer of Trainers (TOT) and has taught many writing coaches to teach writing programmes he has designed for government servants and private sector officers. He was head of the International directorate in Mindef's Defence Policy Office, where he has written Cab Memos, budget papers and presented Singapore’s position at international fora. He was a member of the SAF Scholars Selection Board and chairman of a university’s Resource Panel.

    He was also a Desk Editor at The Straits Times, where he taught reporting and interviewing skills at its School of Journalism. In all, his participants had included CEOs, professors, staff writers, technical specialists, undergraduates and students. It doesn’t matter how high a participant’s work status may be - all that mattered is a penchant for learning.

    As a volunteer, he was a Mediator with the Ministry of Law, a Council Member of the Singapore Red Cross Society and writes regularly for the local and regional media. And, oh yes, he was co-founder of an attractive English Premier League supporters club in Singapore that neither don red nor blue.
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