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    Entrepreneurial Skillset for Career boost
    Stop thinking like an employee, even if you’re at the bottom of the totem pole. Think like a boss, and success will follow.

    Whether you’re a 9-to-5 employee or an entrepreneur, getting in a "boss" frame of mind can radically transform your career.

    Globalization and digitization is transforming the way employees think and work, and "entrepreneurship" has never been more important and relevant today.

    Entrepreneurship is not just about creating new ideas; it also involves the continuous examination of existing business workflows and different ways in order to carry them out in a more efficient and effective way, in terms of both time and cost. In simple words, entrepreneurship works toward the optimization of business.

    It builds leaders within the organization and strengthens leadership skills among employees. It encourages employee engagement, which in turn increases productivity and retains top talents in the organization.

    After the course, you will be able to hone your own leadership abilities and showcase your expertise in the office. To progress in your career in general, having a boss-like mentality helps you stand out from others and really make a difference in the workplace.
    By end of workshop, participants should:
    • Up your game as a leader that people want to work with
    • Increase personal effectiveness, self-leadership, ownership and boss mindset
    • Develop your effective thinking skills so that you can contribute inputs confidently, fluently and knowledgeably from a more holistic perspective
    • Experience better collaboration and cooperation within team
    • Understand how you can start your own business, product or idea
    • Confidence in networking that can set you up for future when looking for career shift internally, establish rapport, trust and respect
    • How do we encourage creativity, entrepreneurial thinking and expand upon ideas
    • Developing entrepreneurial mindset and ownership in organisation
    • Think like a boss! 6 key steps to having a sustainable business
    • Entrepreneurial marketing! How to build your competitive edge
    • Learn how to avoid costly business mistakes
    • Understand and design marketing, sales and pitching opportunities
    • Hands-on segment where participants will learn how to sharpen their entrepreneurial skills
    • Be equipped with 5P approach to network and build stronger relationships internally and externally with more confidence.
    Who should attend
    Executives, Professionals, and Managers at any level who wants to be competent contributor at work, and improve self-leadership and personal growth today through entrepreneurship. Employees who like to understand marketing.
    • Lecturing
    • Experiential real-life learning
    • Interactive circle sharing
    • Video clips
    • Activities

    Each delegate shall receive a free e-book "Regain Your Power" - Powerful Lessons For Self-empowerment, Love and Success by Brenda Tan, Forwarded By Joel Bauer
    "Good overview on the entrepreneur. Learned a lot about ideas, strategies to implement." - Staff of DBS

    "Speaker was very professional, good delivery and able to understand the requirements of our business and provide the solutions accordingly." - Staff of True Yoga

    "Powerful tips and ideas to inspire!" - Staff of Standard Chartered Bank

    "Doable strategy, simple yet bring results!" - Staff of Citigroup
    Profile of BRENDA TAN
    Mental Wellness Coach & Trainer I Speaker I Author | Mindful Conversations Facilitator | Adjunct Lecturer | ABNLP ACRED Hypnotherapist

    Cited by the Prime Minister of Singapore in his National Day Rally Speech in 2008 as a story of excellence, Brenda Tan is dedicated to helping individuals and organisations maximise their capacity for success and mental wellbeing. She was featured in media such as Straits Times, TODAY, Radio 938Fm, and Capital TV Malaysia.

    In her latest book “Regain Your Power”, she share many important life-changing lessons on empowering oneself and living fully. Brenda conduct talks and workshops to organisations such as DBS, UOB, Capella Hotel and Resorts, Marina Mandarin Hotel, QatarGas, Great Eastern Assurance to name a few.

    Her extensive career also included working for government board, and Multi National Corporation, having held diversified roles. At just age 26, Brenda became one of the youngest managers in Citibank Singapore Limited to lead a team of close to 100 staff.

    Now, Brenda volunteers her time as mentor to Institute of Technical Education, and Singapore Prison Services.

    Brenda’s niche areas are delivering mental wellness and mindfulness related training programs and talks ie, Mindfulness For Wellbeing, Mindful Self-Leadership, Safe Conversations, Emotional Intelligence, Mental Clarity through tough times, Team collaboration, Relational, Communication and presentation skills, Numerology For Self Empowerment, and Coaching with human behavioural tools and psychology integration.

    Brenda’s reputation as a trainer and coach, is built on her energetic, honest and warm approach. Motivating and inspiring, she has the ability connect and deliver her topics that are easy for audience to follow and learn.

    “Ms Brenda is a great speaker and inspiring. I learnt so much that I don’t want the talk to end!”
    - Staff of Capella Hotel & Reorts
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