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    Workshop on Crisis Communications
    No organisation is immune to crisis. A crisis can strike when least expected and without warning, resulting in significant damage to public safety, financial viability and organisational reputation. Crises can range from natural disasters to technological failures to financial bankruptcies to organisational misdeeds to the unthoughtful words of an employee on social media. Regardless, organisations can equip itself and its people to manage communication with key publics and internal stakeholders during a crisis with the proper training.
    The main objective of the workshop is to inculcate a crisis-ready mindset among employees of an organisation and equip them with the tools to communicate effectively during a crisis.
    Key Outcomes
    Participants will learn to identify potential crises, key principles of crisis communication, key components of a crisis communication plan, techniques in writing a holding statement, and the demands of social media, among other takeaways. The workshop will be conducted in an engaging and interactive manner with foreign and local case studies, quizzes, participants’ discussion, and practical exercises.

    1. What is a Crisis?
    2. Types of Crises
    3. Key Principles of Crisis Communication
    4. How to Prepare a Crisis Communication Plan
    5. How to Craft a Holding Statement
    6. Crisis Communication and Social Media
    Who should attend
    1. All employees who have a stake in their organisations’ reputational wellbeing.
    2. Section and department heads, corporate communications team, and potential members of the crisis communication team.

    1. One-day workshop
    2. Two-day workshop (for in-house training only) with more depth for senior management and leaders of an organisation and its frontline communications team. Please send email to inquiry.
    Profile of Edward Tang
    Edward Tang is a former Singapore diplomat, journalist, corporate communications head and general manager of an Out-of-Home media company. He has work experience in public and private sectors and had spent many years working overseas in India and Thailand, with focus on media, communications and international relations.
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