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    Personal Excellence: How to Transform Yourself!
    Applying Management, Innovation and Agile Concepts to Yourself for Personal Success

    There has been much written on the subject of Organisational Excellence, but what about Personal Excellence? We know the fundamentals of how to transform companies and institutions, but how about transforming ourselves? Many people these days are striving to improve themselves in the face of unprecedented social and economic changes. On the work side, we are fearful of becoming obsolete. Technology and global competition patterns are changing rapidly, creating tremendous gaps in mindsets, skills and work practices. Many people wonder if their job will be disrupted or completely replaced by a robot. On the personal side, life is becoming more difficult, complex and stressful. The incessant flood of information in a hyper-connected world makes it harder for us to relax, unplug and unwind. The increased demands placed on our spouses and children become our burden as well. How do we meet these modern challenges in a way that we can achieve professional success as well as personal happiness? The answer is Personal Excellence: a way to systematically become the best we can be.
    This aim of this course is for anyone to learn how to proactively improve and transform themselves as individual people and professionals. Participants will learn various practices, approaches and methods to achieve the personal change and transformation that is necessary to thrive in the Modern Age. Moving toward new horizons such as the Digital World and Circular Economy requires nearly everyone to disrupt themselves or find themselves obsolete. Participants will see that transformation can apply to their personal lives as well as their professional careers, equipping them with a powerful way to achieve real self-improvement for total life enrichment.
    Welcome to the New Age
    - The current and predicted states of technological progress, societal trends, sustainability challenges, customer dynamics and geo-economic realities
    - How these trends are affecting our personal and professional lives, and the challenges they are creating in terms of us being able to thrive in the new global operating environment
    - Brief historical context and comparison between ‘Industrial-Age’ Thinking and 'Digital-Age' Thinking and how this drives our need to personally improve and transform ourselves

    The Personal Excellence Framework
    We will introduce a comprehensive framework for personal change, improvement and transformation. You will learn the five basic dimensions of Personal Excellence according to this model, which is partially based on proven management and innovation techniques for change and transformation. The framework starts with establishing purpose then moves to improving work patterns, developing personal capabilities, designing self-sustaining methods and finally, forming improved personal mindsets, thinking patterns and habits. Examples will be provided to reinforce the concepts for each dimension.

    Applying Excellence to Yourself
    Participants will get to apply the framework to themselves. Working pairs will be formed to assist each other in a Role-Playing approach to a ‘teacher/learner’ relationship so that each person gets to coach as well as be coached on their personal excellence journeys. Each participant will learn how to ask and answer the 5 Key Questions that are essential towards leading a person through sustainable change and transformation.

    Moving Forward With Change
    We will have an open team discussion of key learnings and personal experiences, sharing perspectives on how to change personal thinking and habits in order to realise the particular future state that each of us strives to reach. Each participant will articulate actions they intend to take personally. Methods for continuous follow-up and learning will be recommended, including further coursework, reading, and other developmental approaches. As a conclusion, Key Points for the Personal Excellence Journey will be presented for final thoughts.
    Who should attend
    This course is aimed broadly at staff and professionals who are proactive in nature and wish to be on the leading edge of their personal journeys towards Excellence and Transformation. They will leave this course energised to bring positive, sustainable change to themselves as well as to their families and organisations.
    "Positive, enriching learning - engaging, knowledgeable trainer with good materials!"
    Tan May Ling, Deputy Director - Singapore Workforce Development Agency

    "Thank you so much for conducting the session for our team. This would go a long way in developing the right culture where people are empowered to come up with ideas. The feedback was great and people are very excited to move forward on this journey. Once again thank you so much for your partnership and it was great having you here"
    Vikas Singh, Site Director - Dell

    "Thanks for your enthusiasm in bringing us through the workshop. We felt our passion as much as we felt yours". Ong, Sing Chin, Director - NTUC Eldercare
    Profile of John S. Hamalian
    John S. Hamalian is a Change Catalyst with over 20 years of experience at General Motors, Dell and his own business, specialising in Innovation, Change and Transformation, Digital-Age Management, Strategy, Team Development and Lean/Agile Thinking. With assignments based in the USA, China, Korea, India and Singapore, he has held 2 Asia-Pacific Director positions. John coaches and trains organisations on how to innovate and transform, and is a lecturer at various universities, a published writer on Management and an active speaker at conferences, global corporations and public agencies.
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