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    Influencing People with the DICE Feedback Model
    As a manager or supervior, these are some of your concerns when you work with your team members:
    1. Your feedback to change subordinates’ behavior often fell on deaf ears.
    2. You want your team to be come out with solutions but they often wait for you to make the first move.
    3. You want your team to be creactive when tackling challenges, but they seems to be rehashing old ideas and are not open to new ideas.

    Why is giving feedack using the DICE model important for team and organizational performances?

    When you think back and recall a time when someone gave you useful and helpful feedback. It triggered you to make a change for the better, what was it about that feedback that made you want to change? Or when a feedback you gave made the other party defensive. Feedback is like a double-edged sword, when used skilfully and at the right timely, it can help people to see their blind spots. This provide a platform for individual and team to find new and innovative ways to solve problems or come out with solutions.

    What can you expect?

    In this full day highly experiential, fun and applicable DICE Feedback workshop. You will learn, apply and practice ICF (International Coach Federation) core competency of questioning techniques used by professional executive coaches. This is achieved through specially designed real-life role play situations. We will share with you proven methods and tools of enabling your subordinates to want to explore alternative behaviours that leads to better team effectiveness and organization performance.
    At the end of this one-day workshop, you will:
    1. Discover why feedback often fail to change people’s behavior?
    2. Learn the first principle in influencing people.
    3. Be introduced to The DICE Feedback model.
    4. Learn one important mindset when giving feedback.
    5. Learn what are the four words a leader must refrain from using.
    6. Learn and practice the four words a leader must use.
    7. Learn how to listen to others.
    8. Learn and apply ICF high impact questioning techniques.
    9. Learn how to help people take accountability of their actions.
    10. Learn and practice how to enable others to explore different approach in solving problems.
    At the end of this one-day workshop, you will:
    1. The Influecing people with the DICE feedback model cover the following topics:
    2. Human needs and desires.
    3. Basic principles in influencing people.
    4. International Coach Federation coahing techniques - Listening and questioning.
    Managers with direct reports
    Profile of Daniel Yeo
    Daniel Yeo has 26 years of extensive corporate experiences in the medical technology businesses in American and German multi-national companies in the Asia Pacific region. Trained as an engineer and he later moved into the areas of:

    a) Business development, channel management, sales performance enablement training.
    b) Working with middle and senior managers in Asia and Europe to develop their people skills, growth mindsets and competencies to accelerate and sustain their level of performance.

    He is currently the Director (Asia Pacific) of EQ Asia and founder of the Mindful Leadership™ Program at a consultancy company. Daniel works with individuals and leaders in Asia to develop their resilient/growth mindsets in order to adapt and thrive in this ever-changing world. Some of his clients included, Dyson, DELL, Telenor Group, Agilent Technologies, Singapore Ministry of Education, Keppel Land China, Geely Auto, School of Management, Fudan University (Shanghai).

    Daniel is active in International key note speaking, change consultancy and facilitating workshops in Asia and Germany. He has spoken at several high-level Human Resources summits and at the Fudan University, School of Management in China. Daniel is also a mentor at the Asia Institute of Mentoring.

    He is also deeply concern with the high level of stress teenagers are experiencing today. Therefore, he partners International Schools and Singapore Ministry of Education in helping children and teens to build their resilience muscles through the "Resilience for Teens Program". Link to student testimony of Daniel’s "Resilience for Teens Program"

    Professional Certification
    - Certified by University of Oxford to facilitate the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
    - Certified Executive Coach (International Coach Federation)
    - Certified EQ Asia senior Coach
    - Certified 6 Seconds EQ Practitioner
    - Certified NLP Practitioner with the American Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™
    - Certified to coach and administer using Enneagram Personality Profiling Tool with the International Enneagram Association
    - Certified to coach and administer using EQ Asia EQCP profiling tool
    - Certified to facilitate the Mindfulness in Schools Project (UK) curriculum. b
    - Certified to administer DISC

    Daniel holds a Bachelor of Engineering with the University of Salford and a Master of Science in Business Management with the National University of Ireland.
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