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    Up your Resilience in AQ to Increase your Productivity
    - Personal Effective Skills in Total-Success Multi-Quotient™ (TSMQ™) in Adversity Quotient (AQ) for Challenge-Handing in such Tough Times to Enhance Productivity at Work Training Programme

    Everyday, we will meet several situations at work and in life. Some of these poses as difficulties, challenges and even crisis. How can a person handle, manage and even tackle such situations, and even continues passion in life and strive for excellence at the work place? In this training program, let award-winning Global Master Trainer Joshua Luke reveal to you in this course the power of Total-Success Multi-Quotient™ (TSMQ™) in Adversity Quotient (AQ) and the AQ ‘TACKLE’ technique that one can utilise at work and in business too. Also, put what you have learnt into practice with a mass activity towards the end of the workshop for enhanced learning effectiveness. So, why wait? Empower yourself in AQ skills to handle challenges well at work and in life now!
    • Introduction to personal effective skills and adversity quotient (AQ)
    • Their Relation & Importance in life and at work to handling challenges
    • Top AQ in Handling Challenges at Work Destroyers - Discussion on threats and trends
    • The TSMQ™ AQ Profiling - ‘Discover your level of TSMQ™ AQ’
    • The aspects of AQ Management in Challenges-Handling ‘T.A.C.K.L.E’
    • Summing it all up - final activity for enhanced final learning experiential training
    • Debrief, summary and Q & As
    • Final personal action plan for training & learning conclusion
    Profile of Joshua Luke
    Award-Winning International Speaker and Global Master Trainer

    Joshua Luke is a multiple-award-winning International Speaker and Global Master Trainer. Known in the industry as Coach Joshua Luke with more than 18 year of experience in the industry, he holds a Master degree in Business Administration (MBA - UoN, UK) and is currently pursuing his Doctoral degree in Business Administration (DBA - TU, NE England). Joshua has won several awards for both himself and the training academy & consultancy business that he has founded and established a decade plus ago. Since then, his training works and business have expanded beyond the shores of Singapore; Joshua has spoken and/or conducted several regional & international trainings - in South Africa, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, etc. Furthermore, he has spoken to thousands-strong-pax audience at various keynote platforms such as business conferences, work seminars, corporate presentations & events, etc. for clients such as AXA (Singapore), Great Eastern (Singapore), Prudential (agency level-events in Singapore). He also had the opportunity to share on overseas stage, such as for AIA (Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia) and for Aberdeen Standards International (Taipei, Taiwan). Furthermore, as the list of his clients includes various multi-national corporations, he has spoken to audiences from diverse nationalities - Caucasian audience: British, Americans, Australians, Italians, Asian audience: Chinese nationals, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, Indians, Koreans, Filipinos, and African audience - South Africans, Nigerians, etc.

    Coach Luke is also a popular figure with the media in Singapore and regionally, having being on print (‘The Straits Times’, ‘My Paper’, ‘Men’s Health Singapore Magazine, etc.), on air (MediaCorp Radio 938 Live), online (Razor TV), on cable (‘Star Fantasia’ Singers Discovery Reality Programme) and on TV (MediaCorp Channel 8 ‘Love In Progress’ with Celebrity Host Quan Yi Feng, ‘Ladies Nite’ with Celebrity Hosts Zoe Tay & Kym Ng, Mediacorp Channel U ‘Project W’, etc).

    Up to date, as mentioned earlier, both Coach Luke and his company have received various recognitions and awards. His business has been the Recipient of several award titles - the ‘Singapore Successful Brand Award’, the ‘Asia Top Outstanding Enterprise Award’, etc. As for he himself and for his entrepreneurship journey, Joshua has been on the recognition platform to receive the ‘Best Personal Brand Award for Entrepreneurship’ in 2017/2018 for his training business & works.
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