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    Attract, Manage and Motivate Millennials
    In the next 10 years, the global workforce will soon be dominated by young workers who possess a unique set of skills and behaviour that are different vs. the Generation X, the traditionalists and the baby boomers.

    Organizations that focus their efforts and learn to connect to the Millennial Generation will be able to guarantee their success in the future. This workshop is designed for those organizations who want to deal with a unique new workforce and customer set. During the workshop you will create an effective action plan to deal with your real environment.

    The program is structured as a 1-day highly interactive workshop at a suitable venue of your choice.

    Rather than just theoretical learning, varied training methodologies will be adopted to provide a wholesome learning environment. This program will provide hands-on application tools and techniques, delivered with simulating activities and experiential learning designed to make this an enriching and experience.
    Value-Added Service
    1. Continuous Social Media Engagement
    2. Online Support

    Participants will walk away with these materials:
    1. Bound course notes for all modules
    2. "Discovery Sheets" to unravel your goal
    • 4 Behavioural Styles – Dealing with different styles
    • The Millennial Generation – What motivates them?
    • Hiring strategies to ensure retention
    • Millennial Employees – How to manage/motivate them
    • How to adjust your approach to them as customers
    Who should attend
    Leaders and managers with millennials in their workforce
    Companies with a millennial customer set
    Dynamic & Highly Engaging Presentations
    Useful Practical Demonstrations
    Experiential Learning Sessions
    Goal Setting Exercises
    Self Evaluation Exercises
    Profile of YuJin Wong
    Heralded by the media as "The Peak Performance Guru", Yu Jin is an award-winning speaker and trainer.
    YuJin is a Certified NLP Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotherapist, a certified TLT (Time Line Therapy) consultant, an Impact System Coach and a Master Class Trainer.

    YuJin holds a degree in nutrition from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine and is a certified coach under the International Sports Science Association. In addition to his impressive wellness qualifications, YuJin has a double degree in law and finance and is a qualified lawyer.
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