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    Mental Wellness Mastery For Success At Work
    Mental issues can wreak havoc in the happiness and sustainability of an employee. However, many employees don’t know the signs and symptoms, and ways to prevent mental issues from taking over their live. It is important not only to recognize such symptoms, but to know how to counteract the signs and regain balance.

    This workshop is designed to help participants recognize mental problems, understand how they create pressure and how to prevent them from becoming destructive. This program is structured as a 1-day Workshop held in a suitable venue of your choice.

    Rather than just theoretical learning, varied training methodologies will be adopted to provide a wholesome learning environment. This program will provide hands-on application tools and techniques, delivered with simulating activities, experiential learning, high interaction, practical sessions and goal setting designed to make this an enriching experience.

    This program incorporates a holistic view on mental wellness and health. The program is executed by a top wellness coach who specializes in body, mind and emotions training.
    Value-Added Service
    1. Practical mental exercises
    2. Powerful behavioural change ideas
    3. Useful wellness concepts
    4. Weight loss techniques

    Participants will walk away with these materials
    1. Bound course notes.
    2. "Discovery Sheets" to unravel your mental wellness levels
    3. 4-week follow up program
    • Understand the basic concepts of mental and physical health.
    • Become aware of your own body and signals
    • Learn powerful techniques to immediately deflate stress
    • Understand the mind and emotions use them to your advantage
    • Learn to avoid arguments and overcome anger
    • Overcome worry and anxiety that blocks your progress
    • Improve your overall mental, emotional and physical health
    • Be inspired to take charge of your health and life goals.
    Who should attend
    Employees who feel that they need to improve their mental and emotional wellness
    Managers who need to understand and inspire their team for top performance
    Dynamic & Highly Engaging Presentations
    Useful Practical Demonstrations
    Experiential Learning Sessions
    Self Evaluation Exercises
    Profile of YuJin Wong
    Heralded by the media as "The Wellness Guru", YuJin is the top wellness coach in this region.
    YuJin is a Certified NLP Practitioner under the American Board of NLP, a Certified Hypnotherapist under the American Board of Hypnotherapist, a certified TLT (Time Line Therapy) consultant, an Impact System Coach and a Master Class Trainer.

    YuJin holds a degree in nutrition from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine and is a certified coach under the International Sports Science Association. In addition to his impressive wellness qualifications, YuJin has a double degree in law and finance and is a qualified lawyer.
    He has a regular segment on TV and radio for his expertise in wellness. He is also the Official Wellness Coach of both
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