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    Empowering the Leader in You: Discover Your Authentic Leadership Style and How to Influence People
    A MBTI Session on Personality Type & Leadership ( 2 days) by Dazzling Chong

    In the face of growing competition and manpower shortages, it has been more urgent than ever before for companies to optimize the use of resources while minimizing wastage. As leadership
    sets the tone for the company, it is crucial for the relevant department heads to adopt a more effective work, management and leadership style. This paradigm shift begins with understanding
    one's personality and its respective strengths and weaknesses. Leadership and vision are often undermined by blind spots, knee jerk reactions or poor coping mechanisms under stress.

    Conversely, self-awareness can lead to a more intentional response to workplace challenges. Stressors cannot be avoided entirely but can be pre-empted or managed to create a better system and company culture. This programme uses the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator ®instrument or MBTI. Therefore, leaders have a practical tool to gain greater self-understanding and insight into firstly, their unique Personality and secondly, how personality type affects leadership as that will help them increase the capacity of leaders to achieve organizational goals.

    The MBTI® tool is the most widely used personality instrument in the world, with over two million taking it annually. It is a self-report personality questionnaire used to measure and describe people’s preferences for how they like to get information, make decisions and orient their lives based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type. It’s wide-ranging applications promote growth and development in many organizational settings, including business, team development, leadership development and executive coaching.

    The workshop fee will cover the administration of the online MBTI Profiling Instrument, which is valued at S$46.01, to enhance efficacy during the workshop.
    • Identify leadership styles and analyse motivating values behind behaviour
    • Apply MBTI® Results to enhance personal impact in work, communication/feedback, team, decision-making and conflict styles as leaders
    • Increase leaders’ awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of their personality type, as well as, how to ‘flex’ or adjust/adapt
    • Affirm leaders’ in areas of performance and highlight to them the areas of improvement with a Leadership Map for reinforcement and action
    Day 1

    1. PERSONALITY Discovery Session: Who Am I? (KNOWING ME)
    • Personality preferences and type
    • Myers Briggs Type Indicator the instrument
    • Assessment and results for your personality type
    • Source of energy in networking, processing information, decision-making and team management strategies

    2. LEADERSHIP Style Discovery Session: How Do I Lead? (KNOWING MY STYLE)
    • The relationship between personality type and leadership style
    • Strengths, weaknesses and blindspots
    • Underlying motivation that drives behaviour
    • Optimal leadership styles for authentic connection

    Day 2

    3.LEADERSHIP MAP Development Session: Why Do I? (EMPOWERING ME)
    • Leadership mindset, style and skills
    • Decision-making skills and implementation
    • Areas of development for results and impact
    • Adaptation and leadership Growth Action Plan

    4. LEADERSHIP Development Session: How do I Influence? (EMPOWERING THEM)
    • Best/worst bosses and emotional intelligence
    • Influence people and inspire change through empathy
    • Constructive feedback for personnel and projects
    • Problem-solving and conflict management
    Who should attend
    • Leaders who need to interact with diverse personality types within and across departments to achieve a common goal
    • Executives who want to optimise their styles and staff engagement in order to maximise their personal impact as leaders
    • Bosses or leaders who want to lead their team effectively without micro management and burnout
    • Leaders who aim to utilise skills & strategies for more effective leadership, especially in areas that require improvement
    - Her expertise shared has been most helpful for our senior management team

    - Good next steps and a lot of things we can build on.

    - Never thought of typing my boss, so this workshop is very good.

    - Mr. Dazzling Chong is very engaging, fun, and energetic.

    - It's good that I find the type I belong to and know my strengths and weaknesses of myself.

    - I like the group discussion, and case studies,  good for applying the theory.

    - Very broad coverage of topics, always encourages people to discuss

    - I feel more understanding of my MBTI, which gave me a clearer picture of myself and what I can strive to do to make up for my weakness.

    -  The trainer incorporated different forms, e.q role play, using spaghetti to make a model to see how we will react to the changes.

    This activity keeps the training interesting and fun.

    - The slides colored are comprehensive and extremely useful, I feel that it's really helpful for me.

    - I really enjoyed the way Dazzling conducted this workshop. She is extremely charismatic and able to keep the entire class engaged.

    - I also like how she incorporated points like arranger to help us better understand the concept.

    - I will definitely love to attend her training

    - I get to know more about myself and what I lack as a leader.

    -The trainer is energetic and always keeps the class lively with the hands-on activities and examples.

    - Less is tough in how to influence people.

    - Know my  type better and look out for other people's types

    I've gained a deeper insight into my personal style and have received valuable suggestions on enhancing current situations.

    There has been a fruitful exchange of ideas and opinions among the trainer and fellow participants.

    The guidance provided has proven to be helpful, offering valuable advice on addressing and improving current challenges.

    I now possess the ability to comprehend different personality types and can devise more effective ways to collaborate with them.

    The trainer is approachable and willingly shares insights.
    Profile of Dazzling Chong
    Dazzling is a Purpose Coach and expert in MBTI who helps individuals and companies to reinvent themselves and find their WHY in the age of AI. She extends an invitation to all Talent
    Leaders to be part of the 'Reinventing Your Leadership' mission to create collective awareness and FutureProof their workforce. Having worked with corporations and institutions, such as,
    BreadTalk, Liftoff Inc, SMU and NTU for training, as well as executives, entrepreneurs and students for coaching, her superpower is pattern recognition in one’s USP discovery for branding, complex-problem solving and leadership.

    Dazzling is also a seasoned moderator at 'Geek Out', a talk show series hosted by NLB where she interviews industry leaders on embracing change in the digital age. She is committed to
    helping others to not only future proof himself but inspire, influence and innovate through collaboration. She is currently writing her second book - Breaking the Code of You: Find the
    Problem You Were Born to Solve.
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