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    The Future of Excellence in the Digitalization
    Digital transformation is a hot topic--but what exactly is it and what does it mean for companies or organizations? In this program, we talk about digital transformation in two ways. First, we discuss the pace of change and the imperative it creates for businesses. Next we provide the context for this transformation and what it takes to win in the digital age.

    Information Technology (IT) is fast changing the world around us. This workshop will provide you an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create value and win competitive battles. The course is divided into three parts – the first part of the course focuses on the industry impacts of technological innovation. Here, we will explore competition and business models in the high-tech industry, using examples of companies like Google, Apple and Facebook. We will also explore competitive dynamics of industries that consume significant technology with emphasis on how technology has disrupted industries such as music, media and education. The second part of the course focuses on how IT transforms cost structures of firms by helping them build information capabilities that significantly increase value chain efficiency. The final part of the course will focus on the impact of IT on innovation and decision-making within firms that, ultimately impacts revenue growth.
    At the end of the program, the participants should be able to:
    • describe the underlying economics of innovation, technology, and market disruptions
    • weigh the pros and cons of current digital technologies driving advancement
    • Identify the key words, Digital Disruptions, Internet of Things, Automations, Robotics, and data analytics
    The Why Factor
    • Introduction
    • The reason and rational behind those Technologies and it will become the imperative force of the future.
    • The pace and advancements taking place that will affect us, our work and personal lives

    The What Factors
    • The basic key words of the Technology that we need to be aware to “survive”
    • 8 disruptive technology trends
      o Some Examples; AI, Robotics, Automatic, Data Analytics, etc.
    • Some of the application examples
      o Music
      o Media
      o Education

    The How factors
    • How all these new technologies affect us and our work
    • Coping with it and leverage on it
    • How IT transforms cost structures of organizations by helping them build information capabilities that significantly increase value chain efficiency.

    The Who Factors
    • The Pros and Cons to us
    • Employability and Value add
    • The impact of IT on innovation and decision-making within organizations that, ultimately impacts revenue growth, productivity, and efficiency.

    • Summary + Q&A
    • Conclusion + Evaluation
    Who should attend
    This course is aimed at Leaders, Middle Managers, Innovation leads, Digital Strategists, Programme Managers, HR/L&D, R&D, Organisational Development/Change Management practitioners and any other professionals who are proactive in nature and wish to be on the leading edge of their professional and organisational journeys towards overall excellence.
    We use a variety of interactive methods that allow participants to learn by drawing conclusions (learning points) from their practices and exercises. The pace of the programs will keep participants involved and attentive. Participants are taught in a step-by-step combination of lectures and discussions, demonstrations, small group exercises and discovery experiments.

    Training techniques include:
    • Mini lectures with questions for interaction.
    • Group discussion of customized cases and situations
    Profile of David Ong
    David has more than 30 years of Managing, Developing and Training Human Capital both local and regional countries.

    His vast training experiences and travels make him a close Business Consultant with numerous corporations, partnering with them in their Organization Development in areas related to Values and Culture, Training Needs Analysis, Training Evaluation and Leadership Competency Model.

    His niche areas are delivering Leadership Competency Related Programs; ie, Project Management, Change Management, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Creativity, Innovation, Negotiations, Diversity Management, Corporate Culture, Mindfulness, Team Enhancement, Communication, People Skills, Coaching and Human Behavioral Science(Psychology/Sociology).

    His professional training development includes PDTD from STADA/Singapore, Training Design from Wagga Wagga/Australia and Training Methodologies from Canada.

    He is also the Master Trainer with a few recognized institutions in conducting Train The Trainer programs in Training Delivery, Training Methodology, Training Design, OJT Structuring, Test Constructions and Presentation Skills.

    His passion in Human Behavioral Science has seen him further study in the fields of Education-Adult Learning and Psychology-Behaviors.
    He is also certified in numerous profiling tools namely;
    - Whole Brain Thinking HBDI level 1, 2 and 3.
    - TetraMap in Leadership profiling.
    - The US FBI "Art of Profiling" and others.
    - Global US Sandler Sales Master Trainer.
    - Handwriting Analysis
    - DISC
    - MBTI
    - NLP Practitioner
    - Practitioner of Mindfulness

    He also received the Singapore President Efficiency Medal.
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