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    Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Skills
    When we interact with people on a daily basis, the way we communicate does affect our relations with them. The meaning of our communication is the response we get. Whether we like it or not, we are always communicating through our body language, our choice of words, and the tonality of how we say those spoken words. Frequently, these three factors (verbal, vocal, and visual ) do affect our interpersonal relationships.

    “ When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with people of logic, but people of emotion” Dale Carnegie

    As social entities, we spend a lot of time and effort in communication with others. Developing strong communication skills can help us in our professional and personal lives too.

    “ Watch your thoughts; they become words; they become actions; watch your actions; they become habits; watch your habits; they become your character; it becomes your destiny “ .. Unknown

    Interpersonal Communication skills can be learned and mastered through persistent practice. There is a saying “It is not what you say but rather how you say that matters in a communication

    “Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise you will have a proper choice of words, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people” Jim Rohn

    This 1-day intensive training will focus on the key aspects of face-to-face communication and will provide you with ample examples in those areas. By applying the skills learned in this training, you will get better at the art of communications and improve relationships in your professional and personal lives too.
    At the end of this Training , you will be able:
    1. Reflect on the definition of ‘Communication’ and the ‘Communication Model’
    2. Understand and apply the three V’s of communications in a positive way
    3. Realize the barriers affecting effective communication
    4. Prevent communication breakdown and its barriers
    5. Apply Active Listening skills
    6. Probe , Paraphrase or Summarize , after listening to a conversation for better understanding of what was heard
    7. Understand the four types of communication styles
    8. Apply Assertive Language, when the situation arises
    9. Distinguish between a Constructive Feedback and Destructive Feedback
    10. Give Construction feedback appropriately, when the need arises
    11. Interpret between a misunderstanding and disagreement; a fact and an opinion in a conflicting situation
    12. Recognize sources of conflict and take measures to lessen it
    1. Defining Communication; Communication model
    2. Three V’s ( Verbal , Vocal , Visual )
      • Choice of words ( Different between a Positive and Negative Language )
        • Examples Loaded and Trigger words
        • Examples of Killer Phrases
        • Examples of Effective Verbal Communications
      • Positive & Negative Body Language Gestures and their interpretation
    3. Nine Barriers affecting communication
    4. Eight ways to prevent communication barriers / breakdown
    5. Seven Key Pointers as a Good Listener
    6. Four Poor Listening Habits and ways to improve it
    7. Examples of Probing, Paraphrasing and Summarizing in active listening
    8. Four Communication Styles
      • Aggressive Communication
      • Passive Communication
      • Passive – Aggressive Communication
      • Assertive Communication
    9. The Structure of Assertive Communication Statement
    10. Different between Constructive Feedback and Destructive Feedback
      • Using effective techniques to give constructive feedback
      • Examples of Constructive Feedback Statements
    11. Differentiate between Misunderstanding and Disagreement
    12. Differentiate between Facts versus Opinion
    13. Sources of conflict
    14. Avoiding unnecessary conflict due to communication

    Ample examples will be provided in the key areas of the above contents.
    Who should attend
    Any level of staff or anyone who wants to improve their interpersonal communication skills for their professional development or interpersonal working relationship.
    The training is designed to be interactive, Group Discussions and Activities too. Participants will be given various tips on how to improve and respond in a communication interaction too.
    Profile of Francis Claudius
    Francis Claudius has more than 30 years of training experience. He is a professional trainer and facilitator. He has also been an in-house training consultant in a Learning and OD Department.

    As a trainer and facilitator, he has a passion for human development and desires for his participants to excel in their work as well as their personal life. He strives to conduct his training in a lively manner with enthusiasm, passion and dedication. He conducts training programmes in an interactive style by engaging participants to contribute ideas and their experiences to benefit all participants. He does this by linking well-known concepts, examples and experiences discussed in the workshop to actual scenarios and situations faced by participants in workplaces. He delivers his training in a clear, concise and systematic manner. He is well-versed in the different training approaches that relate to participants’ learning outcomes. He applies the adult learning approach in all his workshops.

    Participants find him approachable and friendly. On a personal level, he reviews and improves on his delivery style and always strives to develop a higher level of competency in the subject matter he is delivering. He believes in continuous learning and keeps up-to-date with new knowledge, skills and experiences.

    Francis is also a good speaker with strong vocals. He has participated in topics presented in the International Association of Master Trainers (IAMT). He received a Bronze Certificate for being the Best Presenter. He holds a Competent Toastmaster and Competent Leader Award from Toastmasters International. He was a member of the Association of Professional Trainers Singapore (APTS). In 2014 he received the Lecturers Dedication Award from PSB Academy.

    His qualifications include a Bachelor of Business Administration, Dip Training & Development Cert. Training Management, Dip in Public Speaking,), Certified Behavioral Specialist, Certified EQ Facilitator/Trainer, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Life Coach, Certified Service Professional Trainer, Advanced Certificate in Training & Assessment (ACTA), Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education (DACE), Graduate Cert. In Management Consultancy, Cert IV in Telecommunications Call Centre & Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training Victoria University( VU ), Graduate Diploma In Marketing (CIM), Cert IV in Telecommunications Call Centre, Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training, and Graduate Diploma In Marketing (CIM).
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