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    Finance Leader to Strategic Thinker Masterclass
    There has been an urgent need for finance leaders to assist their CEOs in corporate strategic planning, which requires a strategic thinking skillset. This skillset is in huge demand and is complimentary to the finance leaders’ professional accounting and finance skills. With this skillset, it paves the way for the finance leader to join the C-suite in later years! It is a career-enhancing and career-promoting skillset!

    The CEO and MD’s roles in a company encompass a totally onerous and professionally challenging skill set. Strategic thinking is central to the job. But most newly appointed CEOs lack the knowledge of and guidance on such skills. Furthermore, the Finance Leader is not helping much as they do not have the knowledge and skillset to participate in strategic planning.

    This Masterclass emphasises the importance of strategic thinking and cashflow sustainability to corporate growth. And successful corporate growth requires a good strategic thinking skillset. This Masterclass teaches how a Finance Leader can capitalise on his knowledge of accounting & finance to advance into the area of strategic thinking to participate in corporate planning with the CEO and perhaps, the Board.
    1.Learn what cashflow sustainability is about and why it is the foundation stone for strategic planning
    2.Understand the flows and interrelationships among financial statements
    3. Appreciate the importance of shareholder value and its drivers
    4. Learn how the power of Marketing & Finance collaboration is vital to strategic planning
    5. Understand the importance of the Corporate Planning Framework and its application
    6. Learn how Financial Modelling can help in strategic planning.
    Content of Masterclass

    1. Overview of FLST Masterclass
    i) The essence of corporate cashflow sustainability in a
    Framework covering shareholder value, capital structure,
    leverage, and risks, leading & lagging indicators, period
    and trend cashflow statement analysis.
    ii) Corporate Planning Framework – strategic steps and

    2. Management models & tools
    i) Fishbone/gap analysis, Ansoff Matrix, Boston Consulting
    Group (BCG) Model, Porter’s 5 Forces, Industry
    Attractiveness Model, PESTLE, Value Chain, core
    ii) Vision & Mission, Business Model, Organic growth, non-
    organic growth, Megatrends, Strategic Business Units
    (SBUs), Core vs Non-core businesses.

    3. Framework of corporate planning
    3.1 Situation Analysis
    i) Where are we going?
    ii) What are the current issues/problems
    iii) What led to current situation?
    iv) What is the current situation?
    3.2 Strategic intent & direction
    i) Where are we going?
    ii) Where may we go?
    iii) Where do we want to go?
    3.3 implementation & feedback
    i) Can we get there?
    ii) What resources & competencies are required?
    iii) How are they satisfied?

    4. Financial Modelling
    i) Steps in financial modelling
    ii) FM of projected/budgeted P&L and Balance Sheet
    iii) FM of investment gap - M&A requirements re Corporate Planning Framework
    Who should attend
    It is relevant largely to the following target groups. 
    1) Newly appointed Finance Leaders/CFOs/CEOs
    2) Strategy-supportive Finance Leader
    3) Finance Leaders who want to widen their scope of knowledge and skill sets
    4) CFO/CEO-aspirants
    5) Heads of Finance Department
    6) Finance Managers
    7) Finance Leaders who want to fill knowledge and skill gaps.
    8) Newly appointed CEO
    9) Incumbent CEO
    10) Relationship Managers (banks) who need to interface with CFO/CEOs
    11) Financial consultants
    Profile of Michael Matthew Lee
    Michael Matthew Lee is a trained teacher, lecturer, C-suite coach, and facilitator, and is himself a life-long learner. Being trained, he is skilful in explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable manner. With his more than 40 years of corporate working experience, which include serving as Group CFO of 3 large Main Board public-listed groups, and as CXO (MD/CEO/COO) of various companies across industries, he specialises in Finance and Strategic Marketing, and is exposed to senior executive management practices, issues, and challenges.

    He authored the book “The Essence of Corporate Cashflow Sustainability” launched in June 2022 and has written 15 accounting & finance articles. His 2nd book “Corporate Growth & Cashflow Sustainability” was launched on 6th Jan 2024.

    Michael Matthew Lee’s credentials are:
    Chartered Accountant (ISCA)
    Chartered Marketer (CIM(UK))
    Associate CVA
    MBA (Finance, NUS Business School)
    MBA (Strategic Marketing, University of Hull)
    BAcc (NUS); DipM (UK); PDipM (APAC); ACTA; PMC. CertEd
    ASEAN CPA; FCA(Singapore); FCPA(Aust); FCCA(UK); FCIM(UK); MSID.
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