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    WhatApp Business Marketing
    WhatsApp Business is one of the powerful marketing tools, helps you to create meaningful connections with your customers and grow your business. It is a valuable tool for nurturing your customers and makes interacting with customers, easy by providing tools to automate, sort and respond to message quickly

    This intensive workshop covers latest trends, key concepts, framework, and techniques with strategies to manage your business efficiently

    It is designed to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills in developing a WhatsApp strategy is a key part of your marketing arsenal, supporting your customer experience goals and helping to add value at critical moments in the customer journey.
    By the end of the course, participants will learn
    • how to create & manage WhatsApp (WA) Business Page
    • how to create & optimize functions in business tools
    • how to use WA stories as marketing tool
    • how to set-up WA privacy & security
    Topic 1: Introduction of WA Business
    Topic 2: Apply WA various messaging tools
    Topic 3: Create of WA Business Profile
    Topic 4: Create of catalog & broadcast message
    Topic 5: Create WA Business on other devices
    Topic 6: Apply WA Best Practices for better communication
    Topic 7: Connected customers with short-link or QR code
    Topic 8: Strategies to reach more customers & boost the sales
    Who should attend
    HODs (Sales. Marketing, Supply Chain, Logistics & Finance) and Sales & Marketing Executives, Business owners and interested individuals who want to understand the impact of Whatsapp marketing on their business & reduce marketing expenses
    Lecture, presentation, demonstration, Q&A sessions, practical hand-on activities, group discussion and feedback to maximum the participants’ learning abilities
    Profile of Paul Lim
    Paul Lim is a digital marketing strategist, entrepreneur, speaker, and author as well as an adjunct MBA Faculty teaching digital marketing at three business schools in Geneva, London, and Zurich.

    Paul is an experienced trainer in adult learning with recognized qualification from ACTA, ICDL, META, and NLP & Google Digital. He was conferred AEP-AAE status by SkillsFuture Singapore

    Paul has trained over 2576 trainees, 71 companies in the areas of meta-marketing, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, social media and online online campaign management.

    Paul was an entrepreneur who managed a marketing agency specialise in website development and Google marketing. He was appointed judge for Singapore Website Awards 2017, and his industry insight was featured on Myanmar, Nigeria and Singapore news media and magazines.

    Paul is the author of Marketing for a Digital World & The Ultimate 247 Online ATM and a contributing author to several bestseller titles.
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