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    Persuasive Writing Strategies 4 Hour Workshop
    If you want to write to convince others with your ideas... or influence superiors, co-workers, staff, key people towards your intended direction with just words, then 'written persuasion' is a skill you cannot do without.

    In this 4 hour workshop, "Persuasive Writing Strategies” reveals the strategies to equip yourself to be a persuasive writer... and have you learn the tools/techniques to apply into your written materials (such as emails, proposals, internal memos, approval requests etc) for maximum persuasion.

    By applying these concepts, the advantages are multiple and far-reaching. For instance, workers and staff use written persuasion in their day-to-day internal company communications to form closer relationships with their co-workers... or get more 'Yes' from other key people with their written requests. Executives use the power of written persuasion to influence superiors to accept the ideas in their written proposals. Overall, the benefits of having this skill permeate to many aspects of one's professional life.
    In this 4 hour workshop, discover these:

    - Learn the difference between normal writing that people don't pay attention to... versus highly-persuasive writing that influences people to move in your intended direction
    - How to start the writing process and pen your first sentence with ease
    - Ways to write and bring your ideas/points across in a convincing manner
    - Templates: Get actual examples of written pieces that have been proven to persuade (including emails and written requests)... followed by 'fill-in-the-blank' templates for use in similar situations that require persuasion
    - How to be succinct yet persuasive in your writing
    - How to establish rapport, bond and trust with another person in your writings using 'relationship-forming' words & language
    - Increase the convincing power of your written piece by adding in 'strong impactful phrases'
    Profile of Tylus Lim
    Tylus has advised and helped boost the communications, business and marketing efforts for companies spanning over 30 different industries. He has guided companies' sales teams, SMEs and major corporations in uncovering hidden opportunities and breakthrough ideas, that result in significant increase of their bottom line, business revenues and profitability.

    An obsessed marketing enthusiast, Tylus spent over 15 years learning, real-life testing and applying just about every marketing method and idea known to man. These vast experiences had in turn helped to uncover what truly and repeatedly works in sales & marketing.

    Tylus is also an entrepreneur and founder of various businesses. He oversees the people and management of his businesses by actively applying productivity and work-optimizing strategies to generate growth and profitability. From that experience, as well as joint-venturing/connecting with a diverse variety of people from different industries, he has identified patterns that can limit or plateau professional and personal growth, as well as patterns that can substantially maximize one's potential to bring in optimal personal success as well as professional success in one's career. Tylus incorporates these success concepts and real-life examples into his trainings. Many clients who attended the training have acknowledge that they are glad to be the ones learning the strategies, and hope their competition never will.

    A partial list of Tylus’s clienteles include Singapore Armed Forces, People’s Association, Rotaract Club of Singapore, SAFRA, Nanyang Polytechnic, Star Cruises, MCYS etc. He also conducts in-house training for corporations, hospitality and service industries, large and small organizations, associations and statutory boards.
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