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    Alan Elangovan
    The Master Trainer Alan, an erudite behavioral analyst with three decades of firsthand experience. For the past 30 years, he has been equipping civil servants in Singapore and the corporate world on how to enhance and harness their skills for increased productivity. His expertise in strategic training has made him the cynosure of all eyes within and outside of Singapore.

    He has been the point man in identifying, researching and strategically implementing the specific training needs for the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) workforce in their various departments. For seven years, he was the company trainer at the SAF; he spent the next five years in the private sector as a corporate trainer before pitching his tent with the Ministry of Home Affairs for two decades as their master trainer and public speaker.

    From experience, Alan understands that detecting a high-quality forgery and other related criminal cases is time-consuming, energy-demanding and intellectually-tasking, and as such, he came up with a quintessential training program tagged Profiling Techniques and Behavioral Courses. Since 2004, he has always been the resource personnel at Immigration Checkpoints Authority's (ICA) seminars for their workforce. Alan recorded another great feat by being contracted to share his wealth of experience with officers in some other countries of the world. Since then, he has been a regular face in seminars conducted for immigration and customs officers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bhutan, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia. The continuous flow of classes he conducts for people from Asian region has unarguably enhanced the quality of his delivery and also increased his knowledge. Alan have trained an estimated number of 100,000 officers all over public and private sectors.

    His efforts were never allowed to go in vain as he has clinched many laurels and international recognitions. He was given the title of Master Trainer in 2015. Other coveted awards that Alan has won are: Commissioner Testimonial for Outstanding Trainer Award and Commendation for Outstanding Trainer Award. Since then, many other laurels have crossed his path.
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