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    Bounce Back From Adversity - How to overcome setbacks and face the future with confidence
    Why are some people able to pick themselves up from setbacks and keep trying until they finally succeed while others give up. Why are some people able to overcome obstacles in life. Why are some people able to bounce back from adversity? The answer lies in their self belief and ability to self motivate so that they are able to overcome any crisis whether at work, at home or in their personal life. In this workshop, you’ll learn the characteristics of self motivated and resilient people. You will, acquire techniques to overcome self doubt and learn to boost your self belief. You will be able to overcome personal disappointments and focus on positivity harnessing the energy that comes from being aware of your inner strength
    By the end of this workshop participants will be able to
    • Raise their levels of self confidence and self belief.
    • Discover how to take control and overcome negative attitudes
    • Understand the value of relationships when facing adversity
    • The nature of adversity and how it affects us
    • The costs and benefits of facing adversity
    • Right and wrong ways of reactions to adversity
    • Your view of the world and how it affects your responses
    • Your personality and its impact on your response to adversity
    • How self belief and resilience are related
    • Qualities of highly resilient people
    • Workplace pressures and how to react
    • Friends and family and how they affect us
    • Techniques for coping with stress
    • Reviewing past errors and learning from them
    • Raising your level of resilience and peseverence
    • Principes of bouncing back
    Who should attend
    Anyone faced with personal or work related challenges, having a desire to boost their ability in managing challenges at work, home or in social settings will find this workshop most beneficial. The concepts acquired apply to both work and personal circumstances, making it suitable for employees at all levels in the organisation
    James has shared a lot of practical tips from his rich experiences.
    Republic Polytechnic

    Good to be able to apply the thinking we learnt here to my daily life. Great altitude, able to get us to talk, subjects might be a bit sensitive for some.
    Changi Airport Group

    Appreciate the fact that this is a small group , I was able to interact more closely with the trainer as well as sharing more on my personal experience.
    Changi Airport Group
    Profile of James Suresh
    James is a best selling author, trainer and accredited PR practitioner. Co-creator of Singapore’s comic icon, Mr Kiasu, James has transformed himself twice from being a career officer in the army to being a humour writer and publisher to being a much sought after trainer and speaker. He conducts training is communication, creativity and self management
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