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    Negotiate Like A Lawyer™
    Few people enjoy negotiating, even though it is a major part of their job. Fewer still have formal training in negotiation, yet we are expected to negotiate effectively with counterparts within and outside of our own organization. Not only must we achieve good results for ourselves, we must do so while maintaining healthy, long-term relationships with our negotiating partners.

    A successful negotiation begins with preparation: gathering information, identifying interests and currencies of exchange, and creating options. It requires a working knowledge of essential negotiating principles such as anchors, concessions, compromise, ultimatums, and how to overcome a "no." And while many of the world’s best negotiators are lawyers, anyone can learn to negotiate better outcomes.

    This practical and intensive one-day workshop was designed for people who must negotiate in a variety of settings. Developed and facilitated by David Goldwich, an experienced lawyer and mediator, this program emphasizes the steps to prepare for negotiation and teaches specific, proven techniques for negotiating better outcomes. It focuses on best practices that can be learned and implemented quickly, explained with humor and lots of stories. Participants will also have a chance to take part in negotiation simulations.
    • Understand the elements of the "principled" negotiation approach
    • Know the four stages of a negotiation
    • Understand the pros and cons of making the first offer
    • Use anchor points to get more every time
    • Distinguish interests from positions and learn how to uncover hidden interests
    • Leverage on differently valued currencies of exchange to create value out of nothing
    • Understand the process of giving and demanding concessions
    • Know when to compromise and when to try for something better
    • Develop alternatives and a powerful Plan B so you cannot lose
    • Adopt a counterintuitive approach to get better results
    • Learn how to overcome a deadlock
    • Frame issues to your advantage
    • Know the best practices of winning negotiators
    • Use an eight-step template to systematically prepare for any negotiation
    1. The Negotiating Process
      What is negotiation?
      How do you negotiate?
      The four stages of a negotiation
      Keys to a win-win
      The keys to your win

    2. Negotiation Basics
      Offers and counteroffers
      Who should make the first offer?
      Making and extracting concessions
      Leveraging currencies to create value

    3. Planning for Victory: Your Eight-Step Checklist
      Interests vs. positions
      Plan B

    4. Best Practices
      Asking questions
      Timing and deadlines
      The Yesable Proposition
      Don’t take "No" for an answer
      The problem with compromise
      Breaking a deadlock
      Giving and responding to ultimatums
    Who should attend
    Managers, supervisors, lawyers, bankers, financial advisors,purchasing agents, purchasing officers, executives, sales and marketing staff, business development executives, customer service representatives, administrative and technical staff, and anyone whose work requires them to negotiate with and influence others.
    • Presentation / discussion
    • Negotiation simulations
    • Skit
    • Demonstrations
    • Interactive sessions
    • Lateral thinking exercises
    • Videos
    Excellent trainer. Very interactive & engaging and I enjoyed the workshop.
    Workforce Singapore Agency
    Profile of David Goldwich
    David is a "reformed" lawyer who is committed to helping people get what they want by teaching them how to play the negotiation game and be assertive, compelling, persuasive communicators. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, USA, David has been living in Singapore and working throughout Asia since 1999.

    David has MBA and JD degrees from accredited and respected bricks-and-mortar universities. He practiced law in the United States for more than ten years, arguing before judges and political, government, and community bodies. He knows how to persuade the toughest audiences. David is trained as a mediator and has managed small businesses as well.

    Recognizing that lawyers perpetuate rather than solve problems, David began lecturing and training in 1995. He has taught at the tertiary level in the USA and in Singapore. As a trainer, David applies the "80/20 Rule" by identifying the few critical tools necessary for the greatest improvement and presenting them in a form that is easy to learn and simple to use. An engaging and award-winning speaker, David uses humor and stories culled from his own experience as a lawyer, businessman, and father to help people reach breakthrough changes in their personal and professional lives. David is the author of four books and numerous articles in his field of expertise.

    Some of David's recent projects in the region include Allianz Insurance Management Asia Pacific, American Express, Citibank, Caterpillar, Siemens, Singapore Technologies, Panalpina World Transport, BP, Shell, Petronas, Singapore Refining Company, Deutsche Bank, Amtek Engineering, BHP Billiton, Carl Zeiss, Cold Storage, Mitsui Chemicals, Chevron Phillips Chemicals, General Mills, Boston Scientific, Republic of Singapore Navy, Land Transport Authority, IRAS and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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