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    How to Use NLP Techniques to Gain an Unfair Advantage at Work
    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be regarded as the study of excellence - learning to be the best from the best. It offers tools and techniques to transform your potential, into performance. With NLP you are learning how your mind works - and in turn other people's minds -and this knowledge can be used to significantly improve both your personal and professional life.

    NLP can be used in many areas including building relationships, setting career goals, for personal development, ensuring efficient and effective communication, enhancing leadership and driving motivation for yourself or your team.

    The focus of this workshop is on the use of NLP techniques at the workplace. Whatever your present knowledge and skill, NLP can provide you with tools and techniques that will impact your RESULTS. It is about understanding how the language of the mind creates the patterns and programmes you run in life. We have programmes for everything that we do - and by understanding your own programmes, you can enhance the programmmes that are working well, change what isn't working well and stop what is holding you back.

    A core part of NLP, and the focus of this workshop, is effective communication through building rapport and using language.
    By attending this programme, participants will:

    • Learn how to resolve INTER-PERSONAL communication issues between Managers, individuals within teams and even clients - this model can impact EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT and TRUST and Teamwork

      # Understand a of how our mind works, how we create our results and how to create the results you want.

    • Build Clear communication and Influencing Skills

      # Notice what is NOT being said - to strategise on how to communicate more effectively and influence others.

    • Learn how to quickly build rapport and resolve issues in RELATIONSHIPS caused by a lack of rapport with internal and external stakeholders.

      # ... And maintain it in difficult situations.

    • Keeping an OPEN MIND when considering options in problem solving and understanding other PERSPECTIVES

    • Understand how to maintain a positive mindset
    Objective: To understand HOW our brain processes data we receive through our 5 senses and how that process impacts our view of the world, and also plays on how we THINK, FEEL and BEHAVE and therefore cause our RESULTS

    # Learn about

    • Deletions

    • Distortions

    • Generalisations

    Objective: You cannot not communicate. Learn the ability to observe non-verbal cues and use them to calibrate your responses and thoughts.

    Tool #3: RAPPORT
    Objective: Learn skills and the ability to build rapport with people within the first 30 seconds of meeting them and apply techniques in cross cultural communication
    • Learn FORMULA to establish Rapport

      # Apply skills learnt through Practice Sessions

    • Building rapport with language we use

    • Breaking Rapport

      # Why we need to sometimes

    Tool #4: PRECISION QUESTIONS (NLP Tool: Meta model)
    Objective: Know how and when to use Precision Questions to provide and elicit high-quality information.

    # How to identify vague words/phrases so you can quickly use specific questions to clarify and uncover "hidden" meanings
    Practice HOW TO BE CLEAR when delivering instructions or providing information.

    Tool #5: MINDSETS FOR SUCCESS (NLP Tool: Presuppositions)
    Objective: Explore the key assumptions of effective communicators and how they can be applied in difficult situations.

    # Learn a selection of the most popular and useful "assumptions" held by the most successful communicators
    Who should attend
    Individuals looking for new tools to improve their performance
    This programme uses NLP, accelerated learning, and multiple intelligence principles to optimise the learning environment. All the skills presented in the programme are practised through a range of exercises that are both fun and stretching at times.
    ‘The content of this course is extremely useful, not just for work but also my personal life. One of the most useful course that I have attended’
    Participant at SIM

    ‘The facilitators are able to explain complex concepts in simple practical terms. Maintain great rapport with participants. Great use of exercises and role plays to increase understanding’
    Participant at SIM
    Profile of Meenakshi Sarup
    Meenakshi Sarup has been in corporate and public training since 2011 and has trained programs in Communication Skills, Law of Attraction, People Management and Emotional Intelligence to a diverse audience.

    Training and the development of people’s potential has always been an area that she has been actively involved in. She has 12 years of corporate experience in Human Resources, Skill Development and Training and Quality Systems. She has gained this experience in 2 of the largest MNCs in the world today - Oracle Corporation and the TATA Group, as an internal trainer, Manager of the Training and Skill Development function and Manager Human Resources and Organizational development.

    In addition to her Post-graduation in Business, Meenakshi is a Certified facilitator in Law of Attraction (Michael J Losier), a Certified NLP Trainer (Australasian Institute of NLP) and a Certified Trainer of Emotional Intelligence (6 Seconds). She has also been instructed in the facilitation methodologies of World Café, Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry and Proaction Café and completed Interactive Training Strategies by the renowned Dr Thiagi of The Thiagi Group Inc.

    Meenakshi was a part of core team of practitioners hosting Pro Action Cafe in Singapore and is a member of Asia Professional Speakers Singapore (APSS).

    NLP qualifications and experience:
    Meenakshi has been practicing and training NLP since 2010. She is also a certified NLP Coach and has coached clients on a 1-to-1 basis using NLP. Certifications and experience as follows:
    Certified NLP Practitioner - Sept 2010
    Certified NLP Master Practitioner - Dec 2010
    Certified NLP Trainer- Mar 2013
    Certified NLP Coach - May 2013

    Meenakshi conducted many NLP-based training for various clients. She also serves as a coach for the Practitioner and Master Practitioner training conducted by NLP Worldwide in Singapore since 2014.

    Clients include (this list is only a selection of clients):
    Singapore International Foundation
    Trust Energy Resources Pte Ltd
    PPIS: Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura
    Wavelink Maritime Institutes
    Bank of Singapore
    Manulife (Malaysia & Singapore)
    Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
    Novartis Asia Pacific Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd
    Oracle CAPAC
    Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) Singapore
    Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
    AIA Singapore
    Royal Bank of Canada
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