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    Achieve Much More with a Focus and Clear Mind
    Our Minds are constantly wandering, reliving the past and thinking about the future, but seldom focus on the present moment where the real life is happening. In this state, it is impossible for us to fulfil our potential because we are missing most of the opportunities that are unfolding before us.

    We can choose to overcome this by being Mindful. With Mindfulness, we will be able to develop a Mind that can focus well on the present moment, and with the clarity and knowledge to break free from its old constraints. Only with a well-trained Mind will we be able to achieve what we can only imagine before.

    The benefits of Mindfulness are scientifically proven. A world leading technology company trains its employees on Mindfulness as it believes that Mindfulness provides them with a unique competitive edge. Mindfulness is the "master" of all skills, which all other skills should be developed upon.

    Be Mindful of our Emotions and Behaviours are vital to our daily performance and well-being. A combination of Psychological and Physiological aspects of ourselves can greatly prepare us for the fast paced and ever-changing environment.

    Discover and master it!
    At the end of the course, the participants would be able to:
    • Comprehend our thinking cycle
    • Identify and Different the I-R Theory
    • Manage Emotions
    • Embrace Change for better fulfilments
    • Explain the concept of human potential, and the conditions to maximize it.
    • Describe the behaviour of the mind, and the dominating role that it plays in life.
    • Explain the concept of Mindfulness.
    • Apply Mindfulness to create the conditions for maximizing potentials.
    • Develop skills to be Mindful in everyday life.
    • Combine and apply the skill sets learnt
    Morning Session

    • Introduction
    • Understanding our thinking cycle (Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviours Cycle)
    • I-R Theory (Building our Confidence and motivated in our work)
    • Managing our own and other’s emotions
    • Change Formula D.V.F.
    • See Change in different perspectives

    Afternoon Session

    • Opening Our Senses
    • Recognizing the Nature of the Mind
    • Present Moment Awareness
    • Mindfulness and Mind-Body Stress
    • Applying Mindfulness in Work and Daily Life
    Who should attend
    • Professionals who want to maximize achievements in their career and personal life.
    • Managers who want to develop sustainable productivity growth in their team.
    • Managers who want to nurture and retain talents in their team.
    • Sharing of Concepts through presentation..
    • Learning through Experience Sharing among the participants..
    • Self-Discovery through Reflection and Experiencing exercises..
    • Coaching by trainer.
    The things I have learnt will go a long way. Materials are very informative. Trainer is experient all round.

    Good learning points shared by David. Interesting activities in the afternoon. Very knowledgeable trainer! Good life examples cited.
    Workforce Singapore
    Profile of David Ong
    David has more than 25 years of Managing, Developing and Training Human Capital both local and regional countries.

    His vast training experiences and travels make him a close Business Consultant with numerous corporations, partnering them in their Organization Development in areas related to Values and Culture, Training Needs Analysis, Training Evaluation and Leadership Competency Model.

    His niche areas are delivering Leadership Competency Related Programs; ie, Project Management, Change Management, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Creativity, Innovation, Negotiations, Diversity Management, Team Enhancement, Communications, People Skills, and Human Behavioral Science(Psychology/Sociology).

    His professional training development includes PDTD from STADA/Singapore, Training Design from Wagga Wagga/Australia and Training Methodologies from Canada.

    He is also the Master Trainers with a few recognized institutions in conducting Train The Trainer programs in Training Delivery, Training Methodology, Training Design, OJT Structuring, Test Constructions and Presentation Skills.

    His passion in Human Behavioral Science has seen him further studied in the fields of Education-Adult Learning and Psychology-Behaviors.
    He is also certified in numerous profiling tools namely;
    - Whole Brain Thinking HBDI level 1, 2 and 3.
    - TetraMap in Leadership profiling.
    - The US FBI "Art of Profiling" and others.
    - Global US Sandler Sales Master Trainer.
    - Handwriting Analysis
    - DISC
    - MBTI
    - NLP Practitioner
    - Practitioner of Mindfulness

    David is a strong believer and practitioner of Mindful Moments in helping to have a clear mind to achieve more with a clear and focus mind. He advocates that mindfulness should be learned not as a technique but as a life skill, and practiced not as a quick fix but as a way of life

    He also received the Singapore President Efficiency Medal.
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