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    Managing and Developing High Performing Teams
    Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships- Michael Jordan

    What makes the difference between a high performing, mediocre and under-performing work teams? Is it about achieve goals, tasks and results or about motivating is people to unleash their performance and potential as a team?

    Is it the leader, the people in the team or the team interactions and process of coming and working together that make the difference between high performing or mediocre teams? This program enables leaders, managers and superiors to acquire the know-how and skill sets to manage and develop their existing or newly-formed teams to achieve the goals, tasks and results of the workplan and also foster team cohesiveness and collaboration through synergistic team dynamics and social relationships.
    At the end of the program, participants will:
    1. Identify success factors of an effective work team using GRIP: Goal, Roles, Interpersonal Relationship, and Processes
    2. Discover the phases of team development and the kind of team process and leadership style required from the team leader
    3. Understand and harness team members’ personalities and contributions
    4. Apply the skills to encourage win-win cooperation and collaboration amongst team members
    5. Manage team disagreement and conflicts
    6. Acquire techniques on group decision-making process
    7. Overcome resistance to change from team members and facilitate transition process for change to take place in the team
    Session 1: Success Factors of High Performing Work Teams
    • Understand the different types of work teams-intra team or inter-team
    • Identify the success factors of an effective high performing work teams: Goal, Roles, Interpersonal Relationship and Processes
    • Understand the stages of team development and the roles of the team leader and team members at each stage of the team

    Session 2: Goal Setting
    • Identify ways to set mutually agreed team goals for the team members
    • Align individual team member’s goals and personal interests with the team
    • Craft out a team charter on the team purpose, goals, results, group values and norms to achieve team commitment towards common direction

    Session 3: Roles
    • Identify the various team members’ personalities, roles, strengths and contributions
    • Harness the diverse team roles and strengths to achieve team contribution and performance
    • Apply a roles and responsibilities framework to allocate and monitor team roles
    • Provide structure and process for team members to achieve results in an intra and inter work team and project team

    Session 4: Interpersonal relationship
    • Enhance interpersonal working relationship in a team
    • Set up team norms and desired working behavior for team success
    • Build workplace psychological safety, trust and open communication amongst team members with the team leader
    • Forge team co-operation and collaboration to achieve synergistic working relationship
    • Apply techniques to manage disagreement and conflicts in the team

    Session 5: Processes for team involvement and engagement
    • Build a learning and continuous improvement team using various ideas generation techniques ,team learning and team reflection
    • Apply techniques on participative group decision-making process and consensus making
    Who should attend
    Leaders and Managers who have supervisory role and or, building and managing work/project teams
    Jasmine was very principled in her approach to her work, and delivered interventions with enthusiasm and clear passion for impacting positive behaviors and results. She would bring value to any discussion on how to improve the performance of teams and organizations.

    Through her training sessions, our staff do not only take away useful knowledge and skills, but also internalise and apply them in their work. Many had gave excellent feedback and expressed their desire to attend courses conducted by her again. It's definitely a pleasure to be able to work with such a passionate lady. Her experience in various roles would value-add to any organisation that she work with.
    Certis CISCO Security P/L

    A highly conscientious and responsible person who gets things done, and done very well, and she's a great team-player.
    Profile of Jasmine Liew
    Ms Jasmine Liew has been in Human Resource for more than 20 years, specializing in Organisation Development, Change Management, Employee Engagement and Action Learning. Her span of regional training experience encompasses the Singapore Civil Service, MNCs and the Private Sector. Jasmine graduated with a Masters in Education & HR Development, The George Washington University, a Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, Singapore Institute of Management and a Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Political Science), The National University of Singapore.

    -Doctor of Business Administration Candidate, The University of Canberra

    -Alumnus of Harvard University Law School, Executive Education (Negotiation and Leadership)

    -Recipient of Singapore Ministry of Manpower Skill Future Study Award, Institute for Human Resource Professionals

    -Training Leader of the Year Award 2017, Asia’s Training & Development Excellence Award

    -Asia Premiere Partner- The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace ™

    -Prosci Change Management Practitioner (Global Leader in Change Management Solutions)

    -Premiere Partner- MasterCoach Enterprise Coaching Program & MasterCoach App™

    -Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation (ICF)

    -Certified Action Learning Coach, World Institute of Action Learning

    -Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF®), National Career Development Association (NCDA), USA

    -Certified in DISC and Workplace Big Five Profiling

    -Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer, Mind Resources

    - The first in Asia and only Singapore practitioner to be certified in Team Psychological Safety, under The Fearless Organization, by Prof Amy Edmondson.

    - The first in Asia and only Singapore Neuro-science practitioner in Psychological Safety under The Academy of Brain-Based Leadership.

    -Member of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF)

    -Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA)

    Jasmine has been a Change Management Practitioner in several industries driving Organisation culture and development, merger and acquisition and forming of a new organisation. She had been involved in the planning and implementation of diverse change management interventions arising from organisation restructuring, merger, change of reporting lines, job redesign, advent of new products and services and inculcating a new organisation culture. She has also worked with multiple stakeholders who are involved and affected by the change by managing the heart ware and people side of change management beyond the systems, structure and process of change management.

    She has also worked with multiple stakeholders who are involved and impacted by the change by managing the heart ware and people side of change management beyond the systems, structure and process of change management in Alexandra Hospital, Panasonic, Dairy Farm and PSA (Port of Singapore Authority).
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