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    Mindful Leadership
    A mindful leader is someone who embodies leadership presence by cultivating awareness, focus, creativity at work and connection with others. We can relate to mindful leaders deeply as they have an amazing charisma and presence. However, we often fall short of our potential to embody leadership presence because we live in a world that surrounds us with unlimited distractions. These distractions pull us away from the present moment and keep us from listening to our own wisdom.

    Mindful leadership practices teaches the leaders to understand themselves better, the strong pull to react, the mind’s propensity to narrow focus when under stress, and allowing them to respond to situations with much more choices.
    These innate capabilities of the mind — focus, clarity, connection and creativity — can be trained and strengthened. Just as there are innate capabilities of our body that we can train to become stronger, more flexible and more resilient, we can train the innate capabilities of the mind through mindfulness meditation, pauses, catching ourself when in automatic mode and with leadership reflections.

    When people talk about how their choices change when they take a purposeful pause, or how their ability to see their own filters and ‘meaning making minds’ helps them to find clarity and focus in the midst of the chaos, other people become intrigued.
    At the end of this session, you will be able to :
    • Understand the drivers for mind fatigue, agitation and restlessness
    • Gain more understanding about neuroscience and how different part of the brain work to help us or hinder our performance and presence
    • Learning how effective managers use the various strategies of mindfulness and mindful practises to create choices in life
    • Be more aware of the thoughts and emotions and using the power of reflections to be a more mindful leader
    • Apply the skills to be more present and connected to your teams
    • Allow space for creative solutions to manifest by engaging the complete mind in relaxed state
    • Recognize unproductive patterns, both within themselves and in workplace interactions, and learn how to respond more effectively.
    • What is mindful Leadership
    • How mindful leaders manifest presence
    • Barriers to mindful leadership
    • Different part of the brains and the role they play
    • Power of the meaning - making mechanisms of the brain
    • Tools for a mindful practise - including mindfulness, introspection and many others
    • Practise of powerful mind building techniques
    • Mindful Listening
    • Building rapport and presence as a leader
    • The role of Positive Psychology in relation to mindful leadership
    • Living in alignment with values and building connection
    Who should attend
    Directors, Leaders, Managers and anyone is interested to build their leadership presence and meaningful awareness of self and connection with others
    "This session is really useful, we care and understand how to become better leaders of our teams by involving them in their growth"
    HR Director, ANZ

    "This is a valuable training that can be apply in both personal and career"
    Supply Chain Manager, Bentoel Group, Indonesia

    "Highly recommended and great session"
    Supply Chain Director, Nike

    Tame your emotions. I like this idea. There is a lot of references. Very insightful. Good reference.
    You are awesome Manish!
    World Courier Singapore Pte Ltd

    Good course! Well done
    Republic Polytechnic
    Profile of Manish Arneja
    Manish is a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), Ontological Coach & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner with 15 years of experience in Organisational Change and Leadership Effectiveness.
    Prior to becoming a full-time consultant, facilitator and coach Manish was Regional General Manager (Asia, Middle East, Africa) for Organisational Development for Fonterra, a top tier multi-national consumer goods company.

    He has facilitated large and small group sessions for more than 1000 leaders across continents and delivered keynotes on managing change and engaging employees at various conferences including HR Summit, Change and Talent Conferences in Singapore, U.K. and Malaysia. His passion and goal is to raise the consciousness of leaders and build positivity and resilience in people’s lives
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