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    Self-coaching for Personal Empowerment
    Coaching is a non-directive system that equips you with the know-how to gain clarity on complex challenges. With new information from clarity of thoughts, you can now dissect and analyse them from different angles and come up with an ideal approach to tackle them.

    This program aims to empower you with self-coaching skills to make the better decisions and adopt the best course of action, and become more effective at any project you are tasked with.
    1. Ground your mental state to apply self-coaching effectively
      - Self-coaching requires you to be in a neutral state of mind for it to be effective. Participants will learn various states of mind and how to shift from one to another.

    2. Master questioning techniques to acquire depth of perception
      - Complicated challenges require depth of perception to make informed decisions for swift execution. Participants will learn variety of questioning techniques to achieve this.

    3. Apply critical thinking tools and framework to identify blind spots and minimize risks
      - Participants will be taught to use coaching tools for analysing and decision making. These tools can be used individually or in focus groups.
    Morning Session (before break) 60 minutes
    1. Welcome, program introduction - 10 minutes

    2. Mental Preparation for Coaching - 50 minutes
    Participants will be introduced to various states of mind, and learn how to shift from one to another for effective self-coaching.

    Morning Session (before lunch) 105 minutes
    1. Coaching Questions for Empowerment - 30 minutes
    Participants will be introduced to the basics of coaching methodology and different questioning techniques for personal empowerment.

    2. Applying Coaching Questions - 35 minutes
    Participants will perform role-play to practise what they have learned about coaching questions for better retention of learning.

    Noon Session (before break) 120 minutes
    1. Understand Critical Thinking - 30 minutes
    Participants will learn what is critical thinking and the impact it has on decision making and risk taking.

    2. Acquire Coaching Tools - 90 minutes
    Participants will be introduced to 3 powerful coaching tools and how to use them proficiently. There will be group discussion as well as self-discovery exercises.

    Noon Session (after break) 105 minutes
    1. Framework of Self-coaching - 30 minutes
    Participants will uncover how they can piece together what they have learned to form a framework.

    2. Testing - 45 minutes
    Participants will undergo the process of testing their framework with case studies.

    3. Recap on Learning - 20 minutes
    Participants will recap their learning for the day.

    4. Closing - 10 minutes
    A powerful closing to drive home the message to use self-coaching skills and tools for personal empowerment.
    Who should attend
    Managers, Leaders, HR and anyone who wants to learn about coaching methodologies
    Participants will engage in individual exercises, group discussion, role play as well as other activities to enhance learning

    trainer will provide each participant with his one of e-books FOC
    Profile of Jacky Chua
    Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by International Coach Federation (ICF) of Singapore, he has spent over a thousand hours coaching and training organizations for the last decade. Jacky is sought after as a voice of expertise on sales, building sales team and entrepreneurship. His methods are localized and highly relevant for today’s sales climate. Jacky’s training incorporates application, engagement and relevancy through an assortment of activities include individual work, group discussion and presentations, role-plays, case studies.

    Application: To ensure that participants can immediately apply the next day at work
    Engagement: To inject humor, positive vibes involving participants to increase retention of learning
    Relevancy: To illustrate industry-specific case studies and examples throughout

    Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by ICF Singapore.
    Author of 5 books on leadership, coaching, sales and entrepreneurship, with over 10,000 combined copies sold to date
    Nominee for JCI Singapore (TOYP 2014)

    List of Clients
    MNCs: Starhub, Citibank, Great Eastern, Prudential, AIA, AXA
    SMEs: Aflex Ships Equipment, Lee Motor, iZeem, Air Connection
    Schools & Institutes: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, SIM, MDIS, SCCCI, StJobs, SIRS.

    Media features
    938NOW, Her World, The Straits Times, BFM89.9 (Malaysia)
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